Saturday, August 20, 2005

March 2005

Who Turned Off The Lights?
I, Brad Emens, sought to find out why the street lamps (the ones that light our neighborhood and roads) were turned off. After making several phone calls I never got a solid answer why the lights on Bermuda Road, Spruce Bough Street, Tawny Buck Court, Serendipity Court, Rising Smoke Court, Tall Timber Street, Bacchus Court, and Barnard Bee Court were not on at night.
The exact date the lights went off is uncertain but a concerned citizen notified me on March 11, 2005. I immediately called Carousel Services, your Home Owners Association, and their phone number is 739-9992. I spoke with Patty and she was unsure why the lights were not working. I also called the Clark County Development Services and their phone number is 455-4610. I spoke to Deb and she was also unsure why the lights were turned off. She told me to call the off site inspector, Art Alvarez, at 455-4619. Please call these places and let’s get the lights turned back on.

The South Coast Casino
What do you think of the newest addition to our local skyline? Earlier this month I interviewed Paul Gillett who is the chief supervisor on site for J.A. Tiberti Construction; the construction company that is building The South Coast Casino. He told me that when finished, The South Coast Casino will be a sky scraping “twenty-five floors.”
I also met with the Vice President of Construction for Coast Casinos, Ron Frye. He told me, “There are 700 to 1000 people working on this site at any given time.”
The South Coast Casino should be finished by the end of this year. Frye also told me, “The long awaited Silverado Ranch Boulevard Interchange with I15 should be finished by May of 2006.” These truly are exciting times to be living in Southern Las Vegas.

Yucca Mountain Documents May Have Been Falsified!?!
Josef Hebert, an Associated Press writer, stated on March 16th that, “Government employees may have falsified documents related to the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste project in Nevada.” He goes on to say, “The Energy Department revealed a development that could jeopardize the project's ability to get a federal permit. Hebert continues with, “The department said that during preparation for a license application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission a number of e-mails were discovered, dating back to 1998 and 2000, in which an employee of the U.S. Geological Survey indicated that he had fabricated documentation of his work.”
What frightens me, Brad Emens, is what the falsified documents proved.
On March 17, 2005, Erica Werner, from Capitol Hill Blue, stated in her article, “The documents involved computer modeling for water infiltration and climate at Yucca Mountain…Nevada officials say water movement is critical in determining the possible spread of radiation from the proposed waste repository.” Were the results of the studies that involved how water passes through the soil into our water supply not legitimate?
Energy Secretary Bodman said he was “greatly disturbed that work involving the project may have been falsified.” Maybe Nevada is not the perfect dumping ground for America’s nuclear waste? If Yucca Mountain is approved, shipments of nuclear waste will be coming down I15 less than five miles away from our homes.

Did you know?
Fact 1: According to, “Considered the most mountainous U.S. state, Nevada has more than 150 individual mountain ranges. Major ones include the Monitor, Ruby, Santa Rosa, Schell Creek, Snake and Toiyabe.”
Fact 2: According to, ”In March 1931 Governor Fred Balzar signed into law the bill legalizing gambling in this state.”

Interested in moving up or downsizing?
Call Brad Emens

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